

Discover Radiant Skin

Welcome to Solcara Health, your haven for achieving the flawless skin you've always dreamed of. Our microneedling treatment is your key to reducing wrinkles, erasing acne scars, banishing stretch marks, and unveiling a more youthful you. 

The Magic of Microneedling and the Solcara Difference

Microneedling is a luxurious aesthetic treatment that works its wonders by delicately using fine needles to create micro-punctures in your skin. These tiny punctures stimulate your body's natural healing mechanisms, ultimately boosting collagen production for a smoother, more even complexion.

At Solcara Health, we've redefined microneedling to provide you with maximum results and minimum discomfort. Our sterile, single-use cartridges create microscopic punctures while delivering a nourishing serum deep into your skin. This dual-action approach not only increases collagen production but also helps smooth fine lines and kick-starts the growth of new blood vessels, resulting in a healthier, more youthful complexion.

Beauty for All

One of the standout advantages of microneedling is its inclusivity. It can be safely applied to almost all skin types and textures, even sensitive skin. Say goodbye to wrinkles, fine lines, scars, age spots, sun damage, and other signs of aging without resorting to chemical peels or laser resurfacing. Microneedling can even minimize the appearance of large pores while enhancing your overall skin tone and texture.

Elevate Your Microneedling Experience with PRP or Exomes

At Solcara Health, we go above and beyond by offering microneedling treatments with an extra touch of luxury - the option to include Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) or Exomes (plant based or bone marrow based stem cells). PRP is derived from your own blood while exomes come from either plants or bone marrow. Both contain a concentrated blend of growth factors crucial for skin rejuvenation and healing. When combined with microneedling, both PRP and Exomes accelerate the healing process, delivering longer-lasting results. At Solcara Health, we make microneedling even more effective for your skin's rejuvenation.

Unlock your path to youthful, radiant skin with Solcara Health's microneedling treatments. Join us and "Lively Up Your Health" today!

microneedling FAQ

Is microneedling painful?
How many sessions do I need for optimal results?
Is there downtime after a microneedling session?
When will I see results from microneedling?
Is microneedling safe for all skin types?

book a consultation

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