trichology evaluation

trichology evaluation

Unlocking the Secrets to Healthy, Vibrant Hair

A trichology evaluation is your passport to unravel the mysteries of your hair and scalp. At Solcara Health in Mt Pleasant, SC, we know the value of this crucial step in understanding and addressing hair-related concerns. Let us guide you through the process with care, expertise, and a touch of charm.

How It Works

Our experienced trichologist will begin by delving into your unique story. Together, you’ll chat about your medical history and lifestyle habits, gaining insights that help us tailor our approach to your needs. Plus, we'll request some snaps of your scalp – nothing too invasive, just a visual inspection to aid our analysis.

Afterwards, we will bring out the big guns – specialized equipment like cameras, such as the Gro Track Camera, and ultraviolet lights. These tools illuminate the path to uncovering the root of your hair issues. In some cases, we might even take hair and scalp samples, to see if certain medications would be efficacious.

GRO Track

Imagine having your hair's transformation captured in real-time. That's where our GroTrack System comes into play. This cutting-edge technology employs a non-invasive camera to capture images of your scalp from various angles. These snapshots provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of your treatments, ensuring you're on the right path to healthier hair.

The Gro Track imaging unit comes with proprietary algorithms that measure the effectiveness of various hair restoration solutions. This tracking system measures hair growth results to provide tangible data on our patients’ progress.

In less than ten minutes the Gro Track device will capture and analyze images of a patient’s hair health. With each visit a new scan tells the patient exactly how the treatment is performed for them and how many treatments they may need. 

Fun Fact: Did you know that most people won't notice a hair improvement until they've regained at least 75% of their hair? That's why our GroTrack camera is essential for tracking your progress!

Discovering the Solution

Once we've gathered all this valuable information, our trichologist and healthcare team put on their detective hats. We meticulously piece together the puzzle, identifying what could be causing your hair concerns. The result? Personalized recommendations and treatments, tailor-made just for you.

Our toolbox is stocked with effective solutions, such as:

  • Ultrasonic technology with the TED device
  • Laser therapy with Fotona’s HAIRestart ®
  • PRP or Exosomes for Hair Regrowth 
  • Topical remedies
  • Oral prescription medications
  • Herbal remedies 
  • Topical Ozone Therapy
  • Thyroid / Nutrient Optimization

All these treatment options are designed to promote hair growth and scalp health. And we don't stop there. Lifestyle adjustments or specialized at-home care products may also be on the menu. Our trichologist also specializes in custom made wigs when you want a style as unique as you. Don't worry; we'll walk you through every step, ensuring you're comfortable and confident with your new routine.

You’re More Than Just Diagnosis

Our trichologist and health care providers aren't just experts in diagnosis and treatment. They're also there to be your partners in hair wellness. Need styling tips, advice on creating volume, or ways to tame frizz? We've got you covered. We can even recommend the perfect products for your hair type or condition. And if your journey takes a detour into complex territory, we'll steer you in the right direction.

Common Treatment Areas:

• Head

• Eyebrows

• Beards

At Solcara Health, we live by our slogan, "Lively Up Your Health." Let us bring that vibrancy to your hair and scalp. Take the first step towards healthier, more confident hair – schedule an appointment with us today. Your hair deserves it.

Meet Star, your trichologist!

What's causing your hair loss?

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